
what i believe in:

unblocking the team over individual contribution

there is a huge cost of delay. we need to unblock each other as a team to move fast. individual work can be done when you aren't blocking.

pragmatism over status quo

often we do things a certain way because "it's always been done this way." if something is inefficient, figure out why. no good reason? get rid of it.

simple language over sounding smart

communication is about conveying an idea from one brain to another. simple language is the most effective way of doing that. being simple is harder than sounding smart. i like bluf.

asking over assuming

i will ask a lot of questions, even if they sound stupid. i'd rather ask than assume something and be wrong.

convenience over quality

everyone agrees that the quality of a product matters - a lot. however, if products aren't convenient to use, no one will use them.

default to the left. be intentional when picking the right.